Send Broadcasts

If you need to notify everyone on the team, use the broadcast feature. This feature is perfect for soliciting feedback or building consensus around a topic, such as with a poll.

NOTE: The broadcast feature is only available in public streams.

Broadcast overview

Broadcast is a type of message that sends a notification to all users in the workspace. Even the people who aren't part of the stream will get notified. Teammates can then view the entire stream, not just the broadcast message. Yet, the stream will not appear on their sidebar, as they aren't members of the stream.

Broadcasts can be sent from a stream's chat or the comments section (task or event) but not from a direct message.

How to use broadcast

  1. Select a public stream.
  2. Click the mention icon or type @, then select @broadcast.
  3. Type your message.
  4. When you're done, click Send.

Everyone on the team will get a notification to access the stream and can reply back.

You can view all broadcasts from the Activity > Broadcasts tab. Use the filter to view yours, others, or all. Save important broadcasts for future reference.

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