Upload Files

Sharing files with teammates is easy in Ledger. You can upload files in various spaces, including the Chat, DM, Comments (task and event), and files.

TIP: Enable Google Drive and Dropbox integration to make file uploads more convenient. If they are not enabled, you'll only have the option to upload files from your device.

How to upload a file to a stream's files tab

  1. Select a stream and navigate to the Files tab.
  2. Click Add file or New file (only appears when Files is empty).
  3. Select the files to upload.

If the files appear, you have successfully shared them.

How to upload a file in a message

You can also include files in a message. This is possible in every space where you can leave a comment. Here's where you can send a message: chat, direct or group message, and Comments section of a task or an event.

  1. Navigate to the space where you'd like to upload a file in a message.
  2. Click the paper clip icon.
  3. Select the files to upload.
  4. Type your message.
  5. When you're done, press your return key or click Send.

Files uploaded to the chat will also appear in the Files tab of the stream. Files uploaded to the Comments section of a task or an event will also appear in the Files tab of the task or the event AND the Files tab of the stream.

How to upload a file to tasks or events

Some tasks and events might require you to share files with teammates. In this case, the Files section of a task or an event is the best place to upload files. This way, your teammates will know exactly where to find the related files.

  1. Open the task or event to upload a file.
  2. Navigate to the Files tab.
  3. Click the + icon or New file (only appears when Files is empty).
  4. Select the files to upload.

Files uploaded to the files tab of a task or an event will also appear in the Files tab of the stream.

How to download a file from a stream's files tab

  1. Hover over the file that you'd like to download.
  2. Click the arrow button.
  3. Click download.
  4. The file opens in a new tab.
  5. Click Download or Right-click the file to save.

How to download a file in general

  1. Click the file that you'd like to download.
  2. The file opens in a new tab.
  3. Click Download or Right-click the file to save.

How to delete a file from a stream's files tab

Follow the steps to delete a file from the Files tab of a stream.

  1. Hover over the file that you'd like to delete.
  2. Click the arrow button.
  3. Click the ellipsis icon.
  4. Click Delete file.
  5. A warning message pops up. If you confirm to delete, proceed to click Delete.

How to delete a file in general

  1. Locate the file that you'd like to delete.
  2. Click the ellipsis icon.
  3. Click Delete.

NOTE: A warning message will not pop up if you delete a file from a space other than a stream's Files tab.

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